Monday, April 9, 2007

Week 3 Begins

The weekly update:
Stability has been achieved. Have not had a single blow up all week. This is goodness!
G.Skill out, Corsair in. Sorry, but given the flakeyness of the G.Skill RAM, I had to return it for some reliable Corsair RAM. It's a brand I know and trust.
ATI not impressive. OK, so my ATI X1600 card is doing great on the stability front. However, I'd expect that from a $20 card and demand it from a $200 card. Well, another thing I would demand from a $200 card is performance and this is where the X1600 seems to be falling short. Upon regular usage, the X1600 leaves artifacts all over the screen, the blacks degrade over time, and HD broadcasts develop horizontal tearing. NFG!
NVidia gets a reprive. With the issues I'm seeing with the ATI card, NVidia ha the upper hand in my box. Once processes my RMA and ships the 7600GT back, it'll get another crack.
My Movies Removed. Again, this is an app I loved, however, it's .net 1.1 framework architecture is just too archaic for a project like this. I've decided to go with the integrated Vista Media Center DVD library. So far, I've dropped 10 movies onto the 200GB HD. I'm holding off for now, however, as I might be doing a total rebuild at some point.
OS is still a potential variable. For now, Vista is still the call. However, this could change at a moment's notice. I need to see how NVidia's Vista drivers are.

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