Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Time Wanrer Issues

OK, so I did some nmore tinkering last night and everytyhing appeared to be working OK. However, things got weird on me. All of the recordings made on analog channels (those < 100) that afternoon had no audio! Huh!??? However, the ones made after 7:00 PM seemed to be OK. first I chalked this up to some Media Center weirdness that I would have to get to the bottom of. So, just for grins, I replaced one of my TV tuner cards with a different one (I love having a spare) and went to see what was happening. Well, then it got really weird on me! I could get the STB's channel changing banner appearing on the screen, but the channels were blank. There was no picture. The fact that the banner was coming up in MCE should have told me that my MCE setup was just fine and that Time Warner was screwing things up again, however, it was late (around 12:30 AM) and I was not thinking properly. So, I dove back in to re set up my TV tuner config...again, same result! WTF! Then, when I changed to a 3 digit channel (a digital one) the picture came in just fine! Oh crap! You've GOT to be kidding me! So, I went over to the Time Warner DVR to see how that was acting, and sure enough, exact same symptom! No channels < 100 were coming in on that one either! Friggin wonderful! I spent a few hours troubleshooting what I incorrectly perceived as a media center problem, when it ws those morons at TWC the whole time.

1 comment:

p0ssum said...

Never attribute to failure, that which can be readily put on the door step of the morans at TW!

Sorry to hear that dood!