Wednesday, March 28, 2007

There's a box in Edison NJ

OK, looks like New Egg is on the ball, as always. There's a 10 pound box in Edison NJ that's ggoing to find its way to me on Friday, 3/30. This is an issue, however. On Friday, I have my usual watering hole stop for a quick beer, then I'm heading to the Hurricanes' game. although, given how shitty they played tonight, I doubt that Friday is going to be anything memorable.

So, I'll be sitting at the game gettin gpissed off while this box, containing:
My Motherboard
My Video Card
And my RAM
Is sitting here in the living room, with my wife putting her feet up on it.

This is going to make me NUTS! Now I know how Cartman felt when he froze himself so that he would not have to wait for the Wii to be released.

1 comment:

p0ssum said...

Hurry up and WAIT, I know the feeling. Didnt get much done last night, though I did get my kernel rebuilt. Ill get an update out sometime later today!