Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nothing is Easy

So, everything showed up yesterday. I had just enough time to slap the mobo in the case drop the RAM and hte processor in, then it was off to the Canes' game. I wish I would have stayed home! Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ they are horrible! Oh well, the Stanley Cup belongs to them for another 2 months or so, I guess I can live with that.
Anyway, after the game, I got home and resumed the build. In went the video card, DVD burner and hard drive. Booted up with the MCE CD and it started looking good. However, then it all went to pieces. The hard drive was recognized, and it even said it formatted it, but it won't boot from it at all! I don't understand this! After screwing with it till 4:30 AM this morning (yes, literally!) I got some sleep. This morning, made the trip to Best Buy to snag a new SATA hard drive as the old one was IDE. I'm thinking that there is some kind of problem with the IDE controller, having the DVD drive and the HD on the same controller. It's the only option I have though, as there is only one IDE controller on this guy.
So, after plunking down a few more bucks for a 320GB SATA drive, I got home and slapped it in the box. It's formatting right now, so we'll see how it goes.
On anothr note, it's not even close to looking like rain out there! At some point, I'm going to have to drop this project for a few hours today and get outside and do some yardwork. Damn!

1 comment:

p0ssum said...

So how goes it, update, OS installed? Did you decide Vista, or is that still in the air?

Inquiring minds want to know!